Ask Asia: How should I handle holidays with my family?

Ask Asia: How should I handle holidays with my family?

Asia Duren

Advice Columnist

Q: I was finally able to be myself this semester, but my family doesn’t know about it and would probably disown me if they found out. I can’t just skip the holidays, but how am I supposed to sit across from the table and pretend it’s okay for them to make such horrible comments about people like me? –Trapped

Holiday movie round-up

Tara Baucom


2016 is nearing an end, but the holiday movie season is about to kick off. With so many new releases in the coming weeks, there is something for everyone to enjoy. Here are just some of the movies set for release between now and the end of the year, along with their release dates.

MSMS shares science fun with local children

Trisha Maxey


The Mississippi School for Mathematics and Sciences hosted its annual Science Carnival on Oct. 18 in Pohl Gym. 

More than 1,100 third and fourth graders from communities across northeast Mississippi were expected to take part in the fun. During the event, students from MSMS taught hands-on science experiments at eight stations. The experiments covered areas such as chemistry, biology and physics. 

W honors alumna Eudora Welty with Welty Series

Lauren Trimm


The W hosted a series of events on campus from Oct. 20-22, including a writers’ symposium, a press conference and a gala.

The Eudora Welty Writer’s Symposium began Oct. 20 at 7:30 p.m. in Poindexter Hall. Brad Watson, author of “Miss Jane,” was the keynote speaker. Other writers included Patricia Boyett, Randall Horton, James Kimbrell, Cole Lavalais, David Armand, Paulette Boudreaux, Dana
Chamblee Carpenter and Kendall Dunkelberg. This year’s theme was “Overcoming the Silence: To Speak Out When ‘It Warrants No Stir.’” This title was inspired by Welty’s 1966 novel, “The Demonstrators,” which dealt with racial issues and integration.  

Local musicians pay tribute to Merle Haggard

Tara Baucom


Columbus Arts Council hosted “Silver Wings: A Tribute to Merle Haggard” on Oct. 7 at Rosenzwieg Arts Center.  

The tribute concert featured covers of some of Haggard’s most famous hits, including "Silver Wings," "Fighting Side of Me" and "Mama Tried." Jerry Carnatham, lead singer and W alum, was inspired to put together a tribute after Haggard’s death in April of this year.  

Dia de los Muertos comes to The W

Tara Baucom


The W’s Art & Design building hosted an exhibit for Dia de los Muertos, also known as “Day of the Dead.” 

The exhibit is a collection of personal pieces put together by Beverly Joyce, Erinn Holloway and Jo Shumake. It is the second year this exhibit has been set up in the Art & Design building. Dia de los Muertos is a celebration of ancestors who have died. The holiday is marked thoughout Latin America, but is predominantly celebrated in Mexico. 

Halloween comes to The W with annual Oktoberfest celebration

Halloween comes to The W with annual Oktoberfest celebration

Briana Rucker


The W welcomed students and the community to its annual Oktoberfest on Oct. 14 at 5 p.m. on Shattuck Lawn.

Oktoberfest is an annual tradition at the university put together by the Student Programming Board. It gives organizations and social clubs a way to display themselves at the booths and gives hundreds in attendance an opportunity to learn more about them. Alumni also return to see new faces.

A riddle, a realization and a refusal

A riddle, a realization and a refusal

Jessica Barnett


Let's start with a riddle. There's a person running for president. This person has years of political experience, a lot of influential friends and a firm belief that women are equal to men. In fact, catering to women has played a big part in the campaign. That said, the person also has a reputation for being untrustworthy, which has caused a fair amount of trouble during the campaign.

W celebrates Women's Health Awareness Week

Lauren Trimm


MUW’s Department of Health and Kinesiology hosted three events Oct.4-6 to commemorate Women’s Health Awareness Week and encourage women to live healthier lives.

The events focused on sexual health, heart health and metabolism. Speakers for the events included Dr. Kathrynmay Malone, Dr. Caroline Payne-Purvis, Dr. Hector Dox and Melissa Parsons.