Hilarity, romance and pirates in 'Our Flag means Death"

Jodi Everett


HBO Max is known to house some of the most popular shows on the market. From “Gossip Girl” to “Euphoria,”HBO Max has risen among other streaming platforms with its wide variety of hit series. The newest of this bunch is “Our Flag Means Death. “Our Flag Means Death” was created by David Jenkins and is based roughly around the life of Stede Bonnet, an 18th century pirate from Barbados sometimes called “The Gentleman Pirate” because he was born into a wealthy English family before turning to piracy. The show follows Bonnet, played by Rhys Darby, as he transitions from the high life of aristocracy to the rough waves of piracy. Though Bonnet stumbles his way through his role as Captain, the viewer cannot help but root for him in the end. It is very easy to fall in love with the amazing cast of characters, who are well-rounded, delightful and incredibly funny.

This cast includes Rhys Darby, Taika Waititi, Leslie Jones, Nick Kroll and more. The comedy is hard-hitting and hilarious, never missing a beat. The chemistry among the characters is incredible, especially between Darby and Waititi. Additionally, the show is not just silly gags and comedic bits. There are hard-hitting moments and emotional turmoil that can rip out the heart of any viewer watching. These moments make the show feel whole and allow the viewer to truly deepen their connection with these characters.

Above all else, “Our Flag Means Death is revolutionary in the way it portrays queer characters. As the show progresses, the viewer watches as Bonnet forms a deep, romantic connection with the famous pirate, Edward “Blackbeard” Teach (Taika Waititi). Furthermore, almost all the pirates aboard Bonnet’s ship are openly queer. One example is Jim Jimenez (Vico Ortiz) a non-binary individual among the ship who is referred to using they/them pronouns almost exclusively throughout the show. Another example is Lucius Spriggs (Nathan Foad) who is openly gay and accepted amongst his crews. While most shows often kill off their openly gay characters or sideline them, “Our Flag Means Death embraces them with open arms. Queer audiences can connect, and for some relate, to the characters portrayed on screen. 

  “Our Flag Means Death is perfect for anyone who loves comedic adventures, gay pirates and especially Taika Watiti in a crop top. The first season is currently streaming on HBO Max with 10 incredible episodes.