Upcoming summer blockbusters that are worth your time and money

Patrick Wiggins


The snow and ice are gone. It’s warming up and summer, both the season and the break, is just around the corner. So what does that mean? It’s time for Hollywood to begin releasing its summer blockbusters. Luckily, we don’t have to wait much longer, because the first one debuts on May 1.

The latest movie to come down the Marvel pipeline is “The Avengers 2: Age of Ultron.” Joining the usual gang of heroes is Aaron Taylor-Johnson (“Kick-Ass,” “Godzilla”) as Quicksilver, Elizabeth Olsen (“Godzilla”) as Scarlet Witch, Paul Bettany (“A Beautiful Mind,” voice of JARVIS in “Iron Man”) as Vision, and James Spader (“The Blacklist”) as the villain, Ultron.

Ultron is the failed attempt of Tony Stark attempting to build what he calls “a suit of armor for the world.” While his creation is meant to keep peace on Earth, it decides the only way to do this is to cause the extinction of the human race. The rest of the movie is about the fight against Ultron, while the Avengers battle their personal demons.

Debuting on May 22 is one of the few movies that is not a sequel. “Tommorrowland” stars George Clooney, Britt Robertson (“Scream 4”) and Hugh Laurie (“House,”) and is directed by Brad Bird (director, “Mission: Impossible: Ghost Protocol”).

When the first teaser was revealed, not much was known about “Tommorrowland”, other than the fact that it is based on the Disneyland attraction of the same name. Since then, it has been revealed that Clooney’s character is a former boy-genius inventor and Robertson is portraying a teen with a more than usual amount of scientific curiosity. Together, they set out to discover a place that appears to only exist in their collective memory.

On June 12, we will all be treated to a movie that spared no expense. We’re talking, of course, about “Jurassic World.”

The fourth installment in the series stars Chris Pratt (“Guardians of the Galaxy”) and Bryce Dallas Howard (“The Help,” “Spider-Man 3”). The park has been open for 10 years, but attendance is beginning to decline. In an effort to attract more visitors, a group of scientists engineer a new dinosaur which, of course, escapes.

In yet another sequel, he said he’ll be back, and now he is. Debuting on July 1 is “Terminator: Genisys.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger is back as the Terminator and is joined by Emilia Clarke (“Game of Thrones”) as Sarah Connor and Jai Courtney (“Insurgent”) as Kyle Reese.

In this installment, Kyle Reese is sent back to save Sarah Connor, only to find she is already fighting Skynet with a friendly Terminator.

And there you have it, four blockbusters that are worth your time and money this summer.