
From sketchpads to skyscrapers...

Jessica Barnett


From day one, it felt like this semester set itself apart from every semester before it. It’s almost as if the campus got dumped into an alternate but mostly similar universe, where it’s close enough to reality that we assume it is but just different enough that we feel the need to comment on it.

I say “we” because all it takes is attending one class or eating a meal on campus to hear other students saying the same.

The greatest achievement of my life so far

Jessica Barnett


In my first editorial of this semester, I talked about adventures and stories. I advised everyone to set out to create their own and to be unafraid to share it. Over the next two months, I encouraged people to vote and to keep their heads up as the semester neared an end.

I wonder if any of you actually managed to do those things. What adventures did you go on this semester? What were they like? Did you share your story with someone new?

We're almost there, so don't give up now

Jessica Barnett


With everything going on these days, it can be really tempting to toss in the towel. Maybe you got a little too lazy on Spring Break and you can’t get back in the swing of things now that school has returned. Maybe the assignments and deadlines piled up, and there’s so much on your plate that you just want to crawl away and hide from it all.

Whatever your reasoning is behind procrastination and avoidance, trust that you are not alone. Students all over campus are feeling the end-of-semester drag. Summer is just a few weeks away, and as much as we’re dreading each day that brings us closer to another deadline or exam, we are eager to get through each day that brings us closer to summer.

Deadpool is worth the money... but only for adults

Mallory Johnston

Features Editor

There really are too many superhero movies and shows that are floating in the air, and “Deadpool” proves they don’t all have to be the same. Especially when you’re an anti-hero. 

The raunchy, scarcely R-rated action flick doesn’t fall short by any means in delivering its fair share of quick wit and jabs. Marvel should be full of pride about this film being added to its library. But word to the wise: “Deadpool” is not for children at all. 

Find that political fire and let it burn

Jessica Barnett


I voted in my first presidential election in 1996. I was 8 years old. Some of my classmates decorated signs to hang on the back of their chairs or wore stickers on their shirts and backpacks. I didn’t know who any of the candidates were, except that one had the same name as a banana. The girl in front of me had a Clinton sign, so when it was time to vote, I picked him. 

It was the most attention I paid to an election or politics until I turned 20.

What's with all the #@%$&%# cussing?

Patrick Wiggins

Feature Editor

“I’m pretty much f*****.”

And so begins the New York Times best selling book “The Martian.”

And the college student when she realized it was close to impossible to bring her grade up to passing.

As well as the other college student who suddenly found himself pulled over by a police officer and was driving without a license.

And a citizen of Laketown when she saw Smaug the dragon flying towards them in The Hobbit.

And countless others all across this country, both in real life and the fake one.

Put down the cell phone and nobody gets hurt

Asia Duren


In recent years, the everyday use of cell phones has skyrocketed, and I am not alone in believing that they are ruining our relationships.

I cannot count the times I have been with a group of friends sitting in pure silence. We were not silent because we were sad, tired or angry, but because we were all on our cell phones. When a conversation does start, it spurs from a post someone saw on Facebook or a picture someone posted on Instagram. That is absolutely insane. If a room full of educated college students cannot carry on a conversation without getting ideas from social media, then where is our society headed?